Thursday, 26 March 2020

China | Technology to Prevent Coronavirus.

🡆What is Coronavirus and how did it start? 

Coronavirus (CoV) is a large family of viruses that cause was ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) & Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

The sources of coronavirus are believed to be a wet market in Wuhan which sold both dead & live Animals like fish & birds. 

For more Info about coronavirus visit :

1) World Health Organization (WHO) (What is coronavirus, Symptoms, Prevention)

2) The Telegraph. (Coronavirus, how did it start)

Technology to prevent Corona virus

🡆China Technology to Prevent Coronavirus :

CoronaVirus outbreak has become a global calamity. Thousands of people died across the world many are still infected and the virus has no cure till now! many research centers, pharma companies, doctors are trying to find the cure. Many supply lines collapsed, factories shut down, economies derailed, cities under lockdown.
China has faced huge loss and now countries like Italy, Spain, USA, Germany, Iran, and many others are facing huge losses. 
There are many guidelines to prevent catching and spreading the virus (click here to know)

Meanwhile, China has come with various gadgets and technology to prevent/disinfect viruses from spreading. There are many Sterilizing Systems are installed in China to control the virus outbreak. There is all sort of misting machines, Robots and Spray trucks are appearing up in cities and towns across china to disinfect the place from virus, but there are many experts who don't think it will work.

🡆Spray Trucks/Tunnels :

The most effective way to fight the spread of coronavirus is to disinfect highly touch surfaces. China is sending spray trucks to spray bleach on entire cities to disinfected places as the country contains the Wuhan coronavirus. 

They are using low concentrated Bleach + water to disinfect public surfaces. (according to Business Insider)
Spray Trucks to disinfect places.
Source Business Insider.

Many spray trucks, hoes, bottles are filled with a household disinfectant like bleach are quickly being dispatched across China.

Hundreds of spray trucks were dispatched to spray disinfectants in downtown Luoyang. Streets of Huangshi also been sanitized by hundreds of spray trucks.

The Chinese government also informed Huangshan's public " Please close doors & windows by 9 pm and please retain from going out, but take proper Self-protective measures and co-operate with workers who are doing disinfection work."

 Most target places are roads, public parks, rubbish bins, public toilets, markets, hospitals, schools, offices, stores.

Robots to disinfect places.

                            "In Cities and towns across China, including Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan sanitation workers have been sent to spray down all public areas. Trucks filled with low concentration bleach and water solution drive through the streets."
Read more @ Business Insider.

Disinfection Tunnel in China cities

                      "Chinese cities have set up 'disinfection tunnels' that spray a mist that purportedly kills 99% of viruses"
Read more @ Business Insider.

🡆Robots/Vehicles :

Due to COVID-19 social distance is mandatory, so it's safer if there is least human to human contact. In which robots are lending helping hand in this battle against COVID-19. A delivery app name "Meituan Dianping" has the contactless delivery option through autonomous vehicles & robots.
Hand sanitizing robot during Corona virus
Reuter | Hand Sanitizing Robot

Robots are on the frontline everywhere to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Robots are also contributing to preparing meals at hospitals, spraying disinfectant & cleaning, food delivery, medicine delivery. Even a food delivery service started using a robot to those who are suspected of having the virus and currently are quarantined in a hotel.
Coronavirus had created a new business in the robot industry :

1) "Chinese companies are rushing to deploy robots and automation technology as the coronavirus spreads throughout the nation".                                                          
2) "China has become the world's largest market for industrial robotics and the fastest growing market worldwide, according to the international federation of Robotics".                                                                 

3) "A survey by the Americans Chamber of commerce shanghai found nearly half of the 109 companies polled in that city and metro area said lack of staff is their biggest challenge over the next few weeks, while two-thirds noted they don't have sufficient staff  to run a full production line."                                                                                                                                                                    Source : CNBC
Robots disinfection task at the Hospitals
" This Robots performs disinfection task at the hospital in china" The robot is developed by UBTECH Robotics.

Voice command Robots for disinfection task
This Robot has a voice command says" Please leave the room, close the door and Start disinfection".  UVD Robots

🡆Drones :

In China, more than 80,000 people are infected with coronavirus, more than 3000 have lost their life due to coronavirus and more cases are showing day by day (for live update Click here). Then China came up with different types of technology in which it minimizes human to human contact as you have read above, so the drone is one of the technology china is using by which it minimizes human to human contact.

China is using the drone in hospitals for transporting samples from one place to another, they are using the drone to Aerial spray & disinfection and many food companies, medical shops or others in China are using it as a delivery way to consumers. Drones are also helping to detect human temperature.

"According to Global Times, drones are hovering above people in the rural or urban area, having a voice command them to wear a mask or go indoor."

Coronavirus had taken many lives till now. In China, more than 80,000 got infected and over 3000  died. In Italy, more than 70,000 got infected and over 7500 died. In USA more than 68,000 got infected and over 1000 died. In Spain, more than 49,000 got infected and over 3500 died. There are a total of 198 countries that got infected with coronavirus (For live updates) 

Clean water during lock down in ItalyThey say Nature is Reclaiming its space. Swans & Dolphins have returned in Venice canals, water is so visible that even fish are visible underneath. Wild boars sighted on Cobbled streets near Barcelona City. There was a queue of deer in the city of Poland. Satellite images from NASA & The European Space Agency indicates air pollution over china has gone down since the outbreak of coronavirus.

So this blog was all about gadgets and technology China used to fight with coronavirus. Coronavirus is no joke guys it is really dangerous. There are many doctors, nurse, police officers and many other peoples have put their lives in danger so we don't get infected! so a huge RESPECT towards them. SO STAY SAFE, STAY HOME. 
Comment down your Quarantine idea during this pandemic & Don't forget to share "Sharing is Caring."


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